Congrats to Sara and Mater!
They went to Heartland Stables on Saturday for the Fuzzy Wuzzy winter series that they host.
They had a successful day, earning:
1st in Showmanship
3rd in walk/trot English Equitation
2nd in English Equitation
1st in walk/trot Western Pleasure
4th in Western Pleasure
1st in walk/trot Horsemanship
1st in Horsemanship
The Horsemanship class had quite the pattern: Imagine a big capital "N". Lope off on the wrong lead, continue loping on the wrong lead around the cone, do a lead change halfway to the next cone, then lope around the next cone on the opposite lead all the way to the last cone, then stop and back. They've only been working on simple lead changes for a short time now, and he nailed it!
Even though they come home with four blue ribbons, Sara was still disappointed about not placing better in the Western Pleasure. It seems that Mater has developed a habit of falling out of the lope at the most inopportune times, like when he's directly in front of the judge. It's just another thing that Sara will add to the list of things to work on at home.
1 week ago
Yes, congrats on a good job. I have no idea what you are talking about but 4 blue ribbons sounds really good to me.
Congrats!!! great job placing so well!! I am getting so ampted up for our season to start.
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