Here he is looking so unamused:

And then:

What the buggers IS that?
(Those of you that ride a horse and carry a camera can fully understand that pic)
It's one of these:

Wyatt was wonderful. He only got a little twisty on me when this fella charged the fence. He must be Chief Alpaca:

(We don't put our snow shovels away until June. It's Wisconsin, ya know)
When I see how much fun there can be had with a horse, I think that maybe, maybe I would like a horse. Then the snart side kicks in and reminds me that I have only been on a horse 10 times in my life? and i know NOTHING about them!
Sounds like a wonderful ride. So many places to travel and see. Mine have never seen an Alpaca so no telling how they would react.
I have several photos like that. Isn't digital wonderful? Just delete the mistakes and move on, too bad, life is not that simple.
Have a wonderful day.
Sounds like you had way too much fun! We have an alpaca farm down the road. They just sheared them and they sure are funny looking. They look like ET with his head all the way up.
This post just made my day. I need to remember to take my camera the next time I go for a ride down the road.
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