Lambeau Field is impressive. We live here, we see it all the time, and we don't think much of it, but really, it's cool. The stadium got a facelift a few years back and it sure makes an impact.

But what really makes it unique are the fans. Here are some of their "rides":

And of course, the people:

There were cocktails:

And Crazy Fans:

The flyover (B-1 Bomber):

Then finally, the kickoff:

As we all know, it was downhill from there. But it was great year in the land of Green and Gold. Go Pack Go!
HI! Sara may be interested in this:
Its a video horse show series one of my trainers is judging this winter. More info here:
Deadline is this weekend for the first show, but she is planning two more. There are ribbons to 6 places and each entry will receive a written evaluation of their performance.
How awesome is that to go to a live football game! I have to say though that I would love to go to a baseball game in person and still like to watch football at home better but then again I have never been to a live sports game.
I've been to several games at Arrowhead, one the temp was well under freezing! Nothing quite like a live game, where the crowd making noise can affect the opposing offense on the field, the general camaraderie, atmosphere and so on.
The sight lines are so much different than on tv - you don't see the plays from the same perspective at all, especially the nosebleed end zone area - which really isn't such a bad place to watch. You can really see the holes open up during running plays, and the plays that run clear across the field just to gain or lose a yard or two are eye opening, when one is used to the normal tv angles.
And one should ALWAYS tailgate, if only to see the panoply of crazies and party animals.
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