Thanks to both Heather and Jen, Sara got her birthday present!!!Meet Miss Honky Tonk Girl:
We aquired (rescued?) a sad sack case of a donkey from an Amish farm down the road a bit. She's a sweetheart, but she doesn't come without concerns. Her feet are in saaaad shape. She's about 5 or 6 or 10, and I'll bet her feet weren't done more than once. They trimmed her up last week, and did a horrific job. They told me she was all slipper-footed when they got her, and they just got around to trimming her last week. I didn't ask how long they had her. Didn't matter, as we just wanted her outta there. In addition, she's got a nasty underbite, a horribly matted and filthy coat, a cut across each knee, and sores under her halter (as you can see in the pic). But we'll knock the dust off of her and get her some good worming and shots and see how she finishes up. Checking out her new home:

The boys were NOT amused:
She'll stay in quarrantine until next week, then we'll introduce her to the boys. She got a half tube of ivemectin, and I'll follow that up with a few days of Safeguard. I've been dusting her with flea/mite powder just to be safe, but she just needs a good bath, which we'll do Saturday. I'll be sure to get more pics!
She's got one heck of a bray, and she's not afraid to use it. The neighbor across the 40 made sure to let us know how loud she is.