Maverick is our latest addition to the farm. Strange things happen around here, and he's one of them. Sunday morning of Labor Day weekend I went out to do chores as usual. I saw something scurry underneath my car. I looked around, under and inside the car, but didn't see anything. As I came back to the house after chores, I heard a faint meow coming from my car. I ran and got Sara, and we looked all around, under, and inside the car. Nothing. So I popped the hood, and here was this little kitten sitting on my battery.
12 hours ago
Cowboy did not look amused at all.
Cute kittie.
Cowboy and Rooster - the cat that rules here - look a LOT alike. I've had that look shot my way, too.
Good thing they don't have lasers in their eyeballs or we'd all be cut in two.
WV: sebiligo - what I was glad to see my former governor Kathleen Sebelius do when she resigned to become the HHS Secretary.
Both of your kitties are beautiful. :)
Hopefully Cowboy will grow as fond of Maverick as you have!
I got to this post after seeing him 'growed-up', and I couldn't not comment. LOVE the first picture!
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