Yeah, I’ve been slacking. It’s tough to write about my boring life, especially after I read other’s great blogs that are heavily laden with great pictures. I’d like to promise to do better, but I hate promises.
Sara started this blog for me. I had an interest in blogging, but for reasons unlike most other bloggers. I’m a bit of a weather geek, and I really enjoy reading stuff like this. Yep, phenology: “The scientific study of cyclical biological events in relation to climatic conditions.” Good cheesy geeky stuff. I thought a blog would be a good way to chronicle my every-day observations on weather, the changing seasons, and my observations on wildlife.
But who was I kidding. I’m too non-committal.
So, I have a small clutch of friends that sends emails back and forth throughout the day. Sometimes I’d get carried away and write little anecdotes. More smart-assed than anything, my little stories are just a way to lighten the day. Sara said I should expand on those stories and put ‘em in the blog. So I did. Some were kinda funny. Some were reflective. Most were simple reports on what was going on around the farm.
But now I’ve petered out. As I mentioned, there are lots of interesting blogs to read out there, and that takes time. Then after taking the time to read many of them, my stories don’t seem very significant.
Looking back, I guess it was kinda fun to talk about the birth of Cedar View Paint
Horses. We’re proud of this place and what it took to put it all together. I’m proud of the horses we have and the successes Sara has with them in the show ring. It just seems to be repetitive and mundane for me to post what is relatively the same thing, day after day.
So I dunno. Do I continue to blather on with my drivel, or do I hang it up? Anyone?
3 days ago
I enjoy reading your posts simply because they are much different then those out there. Yours are unique and arent like the others, that why I come around.
You have your own unique voice. Plus, you can write well, which makes your posts a pleasure to read.
I can relate to being burned out - happens to me several times a week. I figure I'm good for one or less quality posts a week, and the rest are just odd things that made me laugh. Were I to quit, I'd miss the outlet for the posts that really mean something to me.
And depending on hits or comment feedback to determine the value of your blogging is kinda self defeating - the posts I sweated over and were from the heart are blown away by the traffic certain off the wall posts get. There seems to be no logical correlation between what people "google up" vs what seems important...
I've appreciated reading what is on your mind, plus the comments you've left at my place mean a great deal to me. I'd hate to see you quit, but I'd also understand.
I'm right there with you. My life in BORING! Who wants to hear about it? But I like to hear about your boring life! So keep blogging.
I love reading when you post! But I too go for long periods of nothing much to say so I would understand if you decided to quit.
You have an award over at my blog
Don't stop Andy, I love reading your posts. I love seeing your garden photo's each year and reading about the ponies and Sara.
One person's boring is another's delight.
It's funny. With as public a forum as blogging seems to be, it is also a very personal thing.
At least mine is.
Even if I had no readers, I would still use it as a way for me to track milestones, happenings, weather, thoughts, etc. along with a few of my favorite photos to help me "remember". :-)
Maybe you just need to think differently about what your blog does for *you*. It doesn't have to be about entertaining others if it brings you pleasure or satisfaction.
Just my $.02 :-) :-)
But I do need to also add that I've enjoyed reading your posts and learning your stories. :-)
I truly find this a interesting subject. Never looked at this subject in this way. If you are going to create more articles relating to this subject, I will return in the near future!
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