The part of the garage (shed) were I park my truck has gravel floors. Fine little gravel stones get transferred from the floor to my truck via my shoes. Being the ever-thinking crazy person that I am, I spied a $.99 door mat at Menards. You know the kind - the bright kelly green fake plastic grass kind with the little plastic flower in the corner. Ding! - light bulb moment! I took my new door mat to my shop, found a piece of scrap plywood and sized it appropriately to match said mat. Just about the time I was applying the contact cement to the back of the mat, in walked Sara.
"Whutcha doin'?" she inquired.
"I'm gluing this mat to this board so I can wipe my feet on it before I get in my truck and track all the little stones inside and make a mess of things and if it works good I'm gonna make another one to set on the other side so you don't drag little stones into the truck on your side."
She just rolled her eyes and left.
13 hours ago
A little eye-rolling never stops the work of a genius. lol
Years ago, those things fit in a truck I drove as a floor mat. One could find them in a brown color as well as green, which matched the interior better!
OMG you two are duplicates of Kevan and I..ROTFL That is something he would SO do and I'd be the eye roller as is often the case....
BTW, the little mat works great! No stones in the truck.
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